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University Courses to Permanent Residency Pathways

“If you choose the correct course, you can improve your chances of obtaining a work visa or permanent residency in Australia.”


Go to trade school and learn a skill from the Medium and Long-Term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL).


Students who have completed at least two academic years of full-time study in Australia may apply for the 485 Visa (Post Study Work Stream), a 24-month visa. If you study in a regional area, you may be eligible for an extra one or two years of funding.


Request a skills evaluation from the appropriate authority for skills assessment. The assessing authority demands that your education and, in some situations, your professional experience fulfil certain standards. Your choice of university or degree in Australia is critical in determining whether or not your talents will be positively assessed.


You may be eligible for the TSS 482 visa, the 491 Regional Skilled visa, the 494 Employer Sponsored Regional visa, and other Skilled visa if you receive a favourable skills evaluation (189 and 190 visa).